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7 Schlechtwettertipps


Seminar in Bulgarian: Being a parent in Austria? Challenge accepted!
Sonntag, 10. Juni 2018, 10:00 - 16:00

open to all, language: Bulgarian

This joint project of Austria for beginners and Linguamulti explores the challenges expat parents face in Austria not only in terms of day care and the peculiarities of the Austrian school system, but also raising their children in multilingual environment.

Who can benefit from the seminar? : New parents, parents newly arrived in Austria and parents who want to gain a deeper understanding of the Austrian school system and learn about techniques and tools about raising their children in multilingual environment.

Objectives: The seminar aims to provide detailed information about the legal and practical aspects of parenting in Austria, and educate parents about raising a child successfully in a multilingual way.

Main topics:

Child’s benefits and other forms of support for families
Parents’ rights as an employee
Types of day care in Vienna and Lower Austria
School system
Language acquisition in simultaneous bilingual children
Know-how for structuring the multilingual education of your child
Language creates identity and emotions
Challenges and problems in multilingual families
Possibilities in the Austrian education system for bilinguals


Register by filling out the form.

For more information click here

Ort Therapiezentrum Gersthof, Klostergasse 31-33, 1180 Wien

Seminar in Bulgarian: Being a parent in Austria? Challenge accepted!

Sonntag, 10. Juni 2018 10:00 - 16:00

open to all, language: Bulgarian

This joint project of Austria for beginners and Linguamulti explores the challenges expat parents face in Austria not only in terms of day care and the peculiarities of the Austrian school system, but also raising their children in multilingual environment.

Who can benefit from the seminar? : New parents, parents newly arrived in Austria and parents who want to gain a deeper understanding of the Austrian school system and learn about techniques and tools about raising their children in multilingual environment.

Objectives: The seminar aims to provide detailed information about the legal and practical aspects of parenting in Austria, and educate parents about raising a child successfully in a multilingual way.

Main topics:

Child’s benefits and other forms of support for families
Parents’ rights as an employee
Types of day care in Vienna and Lower Austria
School system
Language acquisition in simultaneous bilingual children
Know-how for structuring the multilingual education of your child
Language creates identity and emotions
Challenges and problems in multilingual families
Possibilities in the Austrian education system for bilinguals


Register by filling out the form.

For more information click here

Veranstaltungsort: Therapiezentrum Gersthof, Klostergasse 31-33, 1180 Wien
Preis: 49€
Anmeldung erforderlich


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