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7 Schlechtwettertipps


Blockkartenplatz: Biolino English Playgroup (1 - 3 Jahre)
Dienstag, 25. April 2017, 15:00 - 16:00

English Playgroup

Mommy, Daddy and Me Sing and Play

Course Conductor: Ghadi
Course Day: Tuesday
Course Time: 3.00 - 4.00 pm

Playgroup with focus on English language
- Nursery rhymes & Lullabies
- Finger games
- Show and tell games
- Dancing and musical story telling
- For non-natives and native speakers 

The Biolino English Playgroup is for children from 1 to 3 years. It's an interactive playgroup within a mommy-and-me framework that first and foremost creates the space and time to have fun and bond with your child. English nursery rhymes (with maybe a few American ones thrown in), classic lullabies, finger games, and show and tell would provide enough variety for toddlers to keep them interested in each planned activity while dance and listening would equally provide the spontaneous space for kids to be kids. The course is led entirely in English creating a comfortable and fun place and time for a child to be introduced to another language, which they can easily associate with the universal language of music. Appropriate for non-native and native speakers alike.

Termine im Sommersemester 2017


21.2., 28.2.

7.3., 14.3., 21.3., 28.3.


4.4., 18.4. 25.4.

Ort Biolino Institut, 1060 Wien, Sandwirtgasse 13 (im grünen Innenhof)

Blockkartenplatz: Biolino English Playgroup (1 - 3 Jahre)

Dienstag, 25. April 2017 15:00 - 16:00

English Playgroup

Mommy, Daddy and Me Sing and Play

Course Conductor: Ghadi
Course Day: Tuesday
Course Time: 3.00 - 4.00 pm

Playgroup with focus on English language
- Nursery rhymes & Lullabies
- Finger games
- Show and tell games
- Dancing and musical story telling
- For non-natives and native speakers 

The Biolino English Playgroup is for children from 1 to 3 years. It's an interactive playgroup within a mommy-and-me framework that first and foremost creates the space and time to have fun and bond with your child. English nursery rhymes (with maybe a few American ones thrown in), classic lullabies, finger games, and show and tell would provide enough variety for toddlers to keep them interested in each planned activity while dance and listening would equally provide the spontaneous space for kids to be kids. The course is led entirely in English creating a comfortable and fun place and time for a child to be introduced to another language, which they can easily associate with the universal language of music. Appropriate for non-native and native speakers alike.

Termine im Sommersemester 2017


21.2., 28.2.

7.3., 14.3., 21.3., 28.3.


4.4., 18.4. 25.4.

Veranstaltungsort: Biolino Institut, 1060 Wien, Sandwirtgasse 13 (im grünen Innenhof)
Kontakt :
Preis: 12€
Anmeldung erforderlich


Jeden Dienstag. Kostenlos. Jederzeit abbestellbar.

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